- Course time limit 7hrs - You must be able to maintain at least 16:02 min/mile or 9:58 min/km
-Early start for those taking 6hr30min or longer.
-Stunning ocean views, quiet roads, two lighthouses!
- Bus transportation to the start
- Course will be certified spring 2025 by Athletics Canada and USATF.
- Aid Stations with water and electrolytes (tbd) every 2 miles.
- Course time limit 4hrs - you must be able to maintain at least 18:20min/mile or 11:24 min/km
- Stunning ocean views, quiet roads, two lighthouses!
- Bus transportation to the start
- Course features 4.8 miles (7.7km of dirt road) through Roosevelt Campobello International Park
- Aid Stations with water and electrolytes (tbd) every 2 miles.
Half-Marathon is sold out!
Additional spots open on 1 March 2025
Exciting update from the BFIM team! We're thrilled to announce that we've added more slots for the Half-Marathon and Marathon. Be ready to secure your place on March 1st at 7am AT/6am ET.
Tuesday, 4 February 2025: Half-Marathon is sold out!
A wait-list is now open for the Half-Marathon distance. Add your name for free and as spots become available you will be contacted.
Registration is open for the Marathon and Half-Marathon!
Further event details will be available soon!